Monday, June 13, 2011

Automatic Backup of QuickBooks

To make sure you don't lose important data, it is important to backup your QuickBooks file often, frequently, a lot - get the picture? To set up an automatic backup:

1. Go to File, click on "Create Backup"

2. Click on "Local Backup"

3. Click on "Options" and select the folder where you want to store your backup copies. This can be on a network drive or on portable storage media such as a USB flash drive or Zip drive.

Note: You cannot schedule a backup to a CD-ROM.

4. Optionally, click the checkbox to limit the number of backups to keep and enter a number in the field provided.

5. Make sure "Complete Verification" is clicked on, then click "OK" then "Next"

6. Click on " Only schedule future backups" then "Next"

7. Click on " Save backup copy automatically when I close my company every X times (insert a number - recommend every 1 times)"

8. Click Finish to close the wizard.

Note: Scheduled backups will automatically include the date and time the backup was created in the file name. The date and time stamps are necessary for QuickBooks to manage the number of scheduled backups to retain on the system.